
BBQ, eagles, festivals and slides.

Last year, we went to an fsu game and it rained, we froze and fsu was totally crushed by wake forest. not fun. This year, the weather was gorgeous, fsu creamed duke, and we ate some amazing food beforehand. At lunchtime, we had some goddess tofu, steamed veggies & chocolate cake at New Leaf Market. The goddess tofu was amaaaaaazinggg. And I'm pretty sure Shae is in love with whoever made the cake. Then right before the game, we had BBQ tofu sandwiches and mac & cheese at Soul Veg, our favorite place on earth! Would live there if we could, even if it IS just a portable food cart. Sigh.

this is the BBQ tofu sandwich:

and Shae with his Trademark Soul Veg mac & cheese

No pictures from the actual game, since I left my camera in the car. Oops.

On Sunday we went to a fun festival at St Andrews State Park called Nature's Gallery. It had a big focus on natures, animals, the earth, and local artists. Shae did lots of crafts- drew on a reusable shopping bag and learned what happens to those nasty plastic one that the cashiers push at us, made lots of crafts, met local artists.

Here is with with his skull mask. With the lovely "tears of blood". DO NOT call it a pirate, cause it's totally not. no, no, no.

And here is the scary bald eagle, who I am pretty sure wanted to murder me.

Matt and Shae leaving the festival. Shae loaded down with crafts, Matt carrying all my plants

And then Shae going down a huge inflatable slide at a fall festival Sunday night. He did this no less than a million times.


Rose said...

Yum! That sandwich looks too good to be true :)

Anonymous said...

someone get the kid a cheeseburger!

Anonymous said...

Someone get Anonymous a life!

natural skin care said...

What a way to spend the day, wonderful places and excellent food!!