
Vegan Mofo 2013

It's almost that time again!  Vegan MoFo is upon us.  This year, it's in September instead of October, because as delicious as pumpkin muffins are, we all need some variety.

The past two years of Vegan MoFo, I was blogging at PB & Kelly, but I've decided to go back to my roots here at Vegan Kid. You can pop over there to check out what we have been up to, if you are interested.

I don't do a real theme because I'm just not that organized, but I will be doing family themed, small town vegan posts.  Finding food in unlikely places, meal prep for busy school/soccer nights, recipes that my kids enjoy making, that kind of thing.  We have a really busy month, so I'm just going to apologize for the iphone pics ahead of time.  I'm in the car A LOT going from school to school to appointments to practices, so I'll probably be doing most of my blogging from my phone while waiting for one of my kids to be ushered to the next fun times.  Blogging doesn't have to be formal!

Oh!  Zine update:  It's going to be awhile.  Life is too busy.  Eventually I will finish it though and you'll all hear about it!

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